Project Co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020


13 Sep 2019 |

EVC1000 presented at the FISITA Council Meeting, Frankfurt 9-11th September 2019

The FISITA Council Meeting is a unique event running every year with the aim of promoting knowledge sharing among stakeholders in a way that positively contributes to the development of safe, sustainable and affordable mobility solutions so as to help guide the future direction of the global automotive engineering profession. It is indeed with this vision of “promoting excellence in mobility engineering” that our Professor Valentin Ivanov from one of our university partners, namely the Technische Universität Ilmenau, participated in the meeting. His talk, held on Monday 9th under the agenda “Local Knoledge and Best Practice Presentation”, focused on presenting successful case studies of EU funded projects in the context of public-private partnership in automotive research and education. Being a research project of this kind, Professor Ivanov gave a presentation of EVC1000 as an example of innovative action where public entities and private enterprise manage to join their efforts and collaborate with the aim of ameliorating the future of vehicle electrification and infrastructure.

All of the EVC1000 team gives a big hand to Valentin!

The presentation made can be found here, while information on FISITA Council meeting here. Below a picture of Prof. Ivanov at the meeting.


Project Co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020

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